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Growth & MArketing
Whether you’re an innovative startup seeking to gain traction in the employer or health plan markets or an established company looking to expand into the provider space, we can help you design and execute your growth strategy.
We all know healthcare is cyclical, but the dynamics between markets and how to effectively build that into your strategy is becoming increasingly important. We’ll help you get beyond the traditional pilot or standalone position and into an integrated, strategic partner.


Our services include:

  • Business strategy evaluation

  • Go-to-market strategy

  • Sales planning and execution

  • Marketing strategy and plan

  • Sales operations

Wellness & Culture

Our expertise comes from years in the space and a lifetime of trying to live the mission. We’ve developed our advisory services to help you create a Thriving and Booming Culture. Every company is unique and every culture is different, so we’ll build a strategy that works for your organization.


We’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to spend time with a lot of companies across the country learning about the creative ideas and approaches as they’ve built cultures of wellness and wellbeing. We want to work with you to build upon what you’ve done and help bring more energy and buzz to the workplace.


Our services include:

  • Culture Assessment

  • Strategy Design and Recommendations

  • Creating Inertia

    • Seminars

    • 1:1 Coaching

  • Managing the Buzz

    • Social Promotion

    • Campaigns

Market Evaluation

The need for innovation in healthcare has never been greater. It’s an exciting time as the level of activity, investment and desire to make things better has equaled the demand for change. Advancements in consumer-enabled technology, artificial intelligence, value-based models, health informatics and next-gen health optimization has created new markets for addressing long-standing problems.


We’ll work with you to understand the problems you’re trying solve and the unique challenges specific to your organization and people. We’ll key in on emerging markets, technology and models with a focus on strategically connecting solutions into your ecosystem.


Our services include:

  • Market Assessment

  • Emerging Technology and Players

  • Integration and Interoperability

CEO COaching

The health and culture of a company begins and ends with the CEO. The example set by the CEO can have a powerful impact on how employees approach their health. Building the business, executing the vision and managing the company while maintaining peak physical performance can be daunting for even the most seasoned CEOs.


When the demands of the business get crazy and your exercise and eating start to suffer, it’s not something easily solved with a traditional trainer or eating plan. We understand the unique demands of the job and will work with you to develop a plan for home and away. Whether you’re looking to get back on track, boost your energy or take on a new challenge, we’ll go old school and sit down with you confidentially to create a project “X” plan.


Our services include:

  • Private Assessment and Consult

  • Project “X” Plan

  • Home and Away Concierge Service

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